A Kid Could Draw That!

Monday, Jan 18, 2016

It’s fun to listen to people’s comments as they view art in a museum or gallery.  The “a kid could draw that” is one that seems to pop out often – along with, “That costs HOW MUCH?!” and “Let’s get lunch”.
While I interpret some comments like that to be a dig, it also makes me smile, because how kids think and draw has been one of the constant muses in my 25 years of professional work.  You see, I strive to find the joy and freshness of children’s eyes and noggins.  I’d go as far to say that regardless of one’s creative approach, a lot of what we Creatives do is battle the filters that get constructed as we grow up. We edit too quickly and excuse the stray thoughts that are common in how kids operate.
So, the next time you look at my work and wonder why I can’t spell, or why some cow has too many teats, or why there is a bean stalk in the story of David and Goliath, know that it is because I am following the stray, stream-o-consciousness thought that I equate with thinking like a kid.  My goal is to free the viewer up to do the same (think like a kid that is – not spel rong).  Because when you do, then maybe you can rediscover a little bit of lost joy, or find a fresh angle on a familiar story or idea.  Oh!  And maybe the next time you hear someone say, “A kid could draw that”, you can answer, “Yes! Isn’t it wonderful!?”